Friday, July 9, 2010

just the basics

Does this look a little familiar? Yeah if you read my old blogger it probably does. So why didn't I just change my old blog, instead of making this whole new home? It's all about new beginnings, and that's kind of been my theme for the last few months. Fresh re-start! It's pretty basic right now, but I'll continue to work on this site, add fun stuff, and make it all purdy :) So keep coming back to check it out!

I'm changing the direction of this blog (maybe it will help me update more *wink*). I'm no longer going to be blogging about the personal and private things in my life. Instead, I'm going to focus on posting about things that matter to me (and I'll try to avoid politics too haha!). Issues on health, fitness, diet, exercise, and also becoming a mom. This way, it benefits me, and also maybe benefit others. Hopefully it will be more interesting :)

I am a magazine JUNKIE! I used to have a zillion magazine subscriptions. However, now that I work at a used bookstore that sells magazine on the cheap, and also with having more time on my hands these days (more about that later), I spend a lot of my days on the internet doing research on said issues above. What I do with the magazines, is I read through them, find the interesting articles, recipes, and exercises, then I cut them out and condense them in a notebook so I have all this information at my finger tips and not have to flip through all of these magazines! I also recycle them when I'm done, so no worries about all the waste *wink*. I used to do this a lot at my former job because I would sit at my desk for 8 hours a day listening to conference calls, and doing my little project was the best way for me to still be production at my job, and do something a little fun. Here are a few of my notebooks :)

People that have known me for a long time, know how much of a health freak I used to be (used to spend 2-3 hours at the gym almost every day), and getting back into it. For a few years there I fell off the bandwagon pretty hard! Picked up a drinking habit, and a pack-of-smokes-a-day habit (YUCK!) Doing these "lifestyle" journals used to really help focus me on the things I wanted, and being a healthy person. So I've been getting back into them lately (again, part of that might be is that I have A LOT of time on my hands these days!). If I find anything fun and interesting, I'll let ya'll know!

Ok, onto the pregnancy news! I will 29 weeks along as of this weekend! Can't believe "Little Bean" and I have made this far! We have stumbled onto health issues now though. As of about 3 weeks ago, I had to take a medical leave of absence. For you that don't know, I have a heart condition, non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (in english, my left side of my heart is extremely weak, and I only get a full heart beat every third beat. My heart beats at about 30% of it's capacity. I don't have an enlarged heart or blockage). I knew I would have to go on bed rest at some point in time, but I was hoping to make it through August before it happened (I'm due September 26th)! But after consulting all my doctors (which right now is a team of 5 doctors and specialists), they feel getting a lot of rest and taking it easy is the best for both of us right now. So here we are, about 10 weeks away from the big moment, just taking it easy! She's growing more and more every day, and so am I haha! With all of this down time, I've started working on some of the art projects for her that I had planned. Making her afghans, quilts, and working on a few paintings for above her crib. Haven't settled on a name yet. I have a few in mind, and I probably won't reveal her name until she's here.

That's about it for now! Come back for some fun postings :) I'm going to keep this blog focused on health/fitness/diet, crafts, pregnancy/baby news, so I'll be posting articles, news, and fun stuff.

Much Love

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