Monday, June 20, 2011

a season of weather

While Abbi is taking her afternoon nap, and the threat of severe weather hangs over us, for the fourth day in a seems like a good time to talk about weather. If you're just joining in and don't know a lot about me, I'm an avid weather freak! Growing in Kansas, it's not hard. As a little girl, I was pushed towards science. I was so curious about how things work and why. I can't count how many tornadoes I've seen, with chasing, hitting an area close to me, or by accident (which has happened more than I care to admit). The weather has always fascinated me. I learned as much as I could understand as the years went on, and decided in college I wanted to study atmospheric science (and about 5 other degrees, but that talk is for another day).

I haven't finished my degree at KU yet (another topic for another day, but basically it comes down to my daughter at the moment). I've learned so much about weather in the time I was at KU. With the rise of social media over the last few years, it's hard not to follow depending on your neck of the woods. It's an interesting science full of dynamics (literally, took dynamic atmo, I have the mental and emotional battle scars to prove it.)

However this year, it's taken it's toll on me. We've seen major EF5 tornadoes wipe towns off the map. Joplin, MO and Tuscaloosa, AL are the major ones that stick out. Reading, KS was hit by an EF3, which for a small town, is devastating. Every year I see more and more chasers out there, and this is extremely dangerous! Seems like a lot of you don't know how to abide by driving laws, yeah I said it and the YouTube videos are out there to prove it! It's just been week after week of severe weather here, severe weather around family, severe weather devastating the lives of friends. It hasn't been fun. I used to get really excited and giddy over severe weather, now it just gives me anxiety. It's not that my passion for weather has changed any. I love studying the weather, making forecasts, and learning why things happen the way they do. Maybe it's because I have a daughter now, and I just can't ride the weather like I used to. I have to make sure she is ok too.

I guess my point of this rambling about severe weather is that, yeah it's cool. It's fun to see a tornado. It's incredible to watch a storm build out of nothing, and produce wicked acts of nature. But please take heed to it. It's not something to take lightly. Please always be prepared with an emergency kit. Food, water, batteries, chargers, flashlights, radios...whatever you feel you need for. Have a plan of action ready to go.

This Public Service Announcement was brought to you by, Me :)

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